International Association for Sharing Knowledge and Sustainability

Report a bug

Bug reporting is an important aspect. An effective Bug report communicates well with the development team and avoids confusion or miscommunication.

Bug Severity

Levels of bug severity:

  • Low: Bug won’t result in any noticeable breakdown of the system

  • Minor: Results in some unexpected or undesired behavior, but not enough to disrupt system function

  • Major: Bug capable of collapsing large parts of the system

  • Critical: Bug capable of triggering complete system shutdown

  • Enhancement: Request for a new feature or some enhancement in the existing one.

Bug Priority

Levels of bug priority:

  • Low: Bug can be fixed at a later date. Other, more serious bugs take priority

  • Medium: Bug can be fixed in the normal course of development and testing.

  • High: Bug must be resolved at the earliest as it affects the system adversely and renders it unusable until it is resolved.

Bug Reporting Form

We'll be in touch with you to discuss further about this Issue / Bug / Suggestion.

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